Ae ba nösi


Moroi ba Wiktionary

Angolita entri Wikikamus ba media sosial


Te no mi'ila wa no ufazökhi akun instagram @wikikamusnias. Ba da'a tefairö ero migu sambua entri moroi ba Wikikamus, same'e ena'ö terou dödö ndra banuada wombaso Wikikamus ba töra-töra ena'ö terou dödöra ba wefao awöda ba wama'anö ya'ia.

No ufazökhi ngawalö duho ni'oroma'ö ero migu. So ba da'a gangolitania. Be zöndra na omasi'ö öbulö'ö gangolita andrö. Saohagölö. slaiatalk 30 Agustus 2022 20.32 (WIB)[tema li]

Moguna mufaigi


Bada'a ubaso wehede la'oro höndrögö bada'a angolifa wofo, hiza la'ali ba li Indonesia : kapak tembak, uhaogö wangalui ba wehede li Indonesia löhadöi fehede da'ö, hewisa molo'ö ya'ami Yasanto Lase (talk) 30 Agustus 2022 10.56 (WIB)[tema li]

Te tola labe'e tandra wanofu (?) furinia, ba wangombakha wa lö ta'ila sibai. slaiatalk 30 Agustus 2022 20.32 (WIB)[tema li]
Sindruhunia iada'a aoha wangalui töi gurifö ba sinumbua si lö ta'ila töi. Asala so foto-nia, ba tola talau wangalui otomatis ba Google, ma zui ta'andrö ba niha ba Twitter hadia döinia. slaiatalk 30 Agustus 2022 20.38 (WIB)[tema li]
Töi wofo andrö, ha wa'abölö sökhi na fakhai simane si so ba Wikipedia Indonesia, moguna na lafuli lafangamöi, si lö'ö-lö'önia so döinia ba latin irege da'ö zimöi famahatö wo'ali dania ba li Indonesia faoma li Niha. Na la fo'eluaha ia ma'ifu zi no tesura da'a; "Fato fana".Yasanto Lase (talk) 29 September 2022 20.14 (WIB)[tema li]

Bot policy


Hello. To facilitate steward granting of bot access, I suggest implementing the standard bot policy on this wiki. In particular, this policy allows stewards to automatically flag known interlanguage linking bots (if this page says that is acceptable) or bots that fix double redirects. The policy also enables global bots on this wiki (if this page says that is acceptable), which are trusted bots that will be given bot access on every wiki that allows global bots.

This policy makes bot access requesting much easier for local users, operators, and stewards. To implement it we only need to create a redirect to this page from Project:Bot policy, and add a line at the top noting that it is used here. If you use or prefer to use a dedicated project page for handling bot flag requests, that is also acceptable. Please read the text at Meta-Wiki before commenting. If you object, please say so; I hope to implement in two weeks if there is no objection, since it is particularly written to streamline bot requests on wikis with little or no community interested in bot access requests. Thank you for your consideration. --Rschen7754 26 September 2022 04.31 (WIB)[tema li]